VCU Data Classification Tool

This tool is designed to be used to determine the sensitivity of your data. Please check all applicable data types to see the classification of your combined data set.

The VCU Data Classification Tool allows you to determine the sensitivity classification of any combination of data types selected from the following list . To use this tool, simply check the desired data type(s).

Following the completion of your selection(s), basic protection requirements for the specified data types will be provided to you. Please be advised that the basic requirements are the bare minimum that apply to each category of data. In order to understand the actual requirements applicable to your data, please review the Information Security Policies and Standards, consult with your local IT support or consult with the VCU Information Security Office (

This tool applies to data generated, collected, processed, stored, transmitted or otherwise handled by the University for its academic, research, community engagement, and administrative functions, and any third party data used by University personnel for university related business.

Select all data types that will be stored, processed or transmitted by the IT system. For more information on a specific category of information, select the "?" next to the defined Category type to open a modal with a working description.